
My life has improved since last year... I think

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 8.5
Mind: 7.5
Body: 8.6
Spirit: 8.8
Friends/Family: 6.5
Love: 6.9
Finance: 7.4
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I will try to update more - I will!

Hi. I have not written on this in OVER A YEAR. My friend Katie went to Africa, and over three days of travel she wrote two entries. I'm much more of a slacker. A refined slacker, I must say, as I am including a picture finally.

Update: I work for the University of Colorado at Boulder doing Human Resources work. I love it. I think it is the path I was meant for. I am no longer seeing Les. However, before this new turn, we went to Indian Creek, Utah (see photo) for Thanksgiving to camp, climb and eat a crazy camping T-day feast.

I will desperately try to be more like my friend Jeff M. in NC and write more. But not political rants - I'll leave that to "Heffe," as we call him. Jon, Carrie, Liam and unknown Howard #4 will be visiting in March, and hopefully so will Jeff, Kelly and Graham. That remains to be seen. Mom still loves it here and Claire and Suzanne are now here too.

Hope all is well with you and yours.